Group of people at a casual indoor gathering, some wearing name tags, standing near a cocktail table.


University Heights Center is a nonprofit community center relying on the generosity of friends and neighbors to support ambitious programming. Since 1902, we've served the community through arts, culture, education, and civic involvement. Your tax-deductible donation helps us continue fostering community and culture in the U District and Greater Seattle area. Join us in making UHeights a center for our community!

To discuss making a donation, please contact our Executive Director, Angela Mercado, at 206-556-2495. Thank you!

To mail in a donation, please make checks payable to: University Heights Center

Address: University Heights Center

                5031 University Way NE

                Seattle, WA 98105

                Attn: Angela Mercado

The University Heights Center for the Community Association is a 501(c)3 non-profit (FEIN: 91-1474131). All donations are tax-deductible to the extent allowable by law.

A group of people dancing outdoors, led by a woman in a colorful outfit. The participants include adults and children, all smiling and following along. The background shows a fence, trees, and a parked blue car.

 Looking for more ways to donate?

  • What can I donate?

    Before donating, ask yourself, would I put this on my body or offer it to someone I care about? If the answer is yes, please share it with us! If not, consider other donation sites for stained, torn, smelly, or otherwise unusable clothing, such as Threadcycle.

    Items we are looking for:

    • Socks

    • Gloves

    • Jackets

  • Workplace giving programs can be a convenient way to make a donation to UHeights. In addition, many employers will match employee donations, doubling the impact!

    If you work at a government agency, such as the State of Washington, state universities, City of Seattle, King County, and many other counties and cities, you can find UHeights listed in the campaign catalog.

    Once you have found us, write our code number on your payroll pledge form. If your agency has no catalog, ask your campaign coordinator how you may designate your gift to UHeights.

    Giving Codes:
    King County Employee Giving Program (KCEGP): 9766

    University of Washington Combined Fund Drive (CFD): 1480749